Corazón Latino Supports Biden’s Nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

We celebrate the historic nomination of a Black female judge

President Biden has announced that he will nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court. If confirmed, she will be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court and become the fourth woman to sit on the nine-member court currently. 

Felipe Benitez, Executive Director and Founder of Corazón Latino, issued the following statement:

“Judge Jackson is an exceptional nominee. All of us at Corazón Latino are inspired by her dedication to the law and are confident that she will represent the highest court of the land with integrity and insight. She is a top jurist with years of experience at the federal level. Both Republicans and Democrats respect Kentaji Brown Jackson. She is a well-reputed judge, having held many high-level positions throughout her career, including her current role as judge of the D.C. circuit court of appeals.

Decisions made by the Supreme Court affect the lives of all Americans. U.S. Latinos have put their faith in President Biden to nominate the right person for the job. We are proud of his commitment to diversity by selecting Judge Kentaji Brown Jackson, and we expect a fair and timely confirmation hearing.”


Corazón Latino is a national non-profit organization that seeks to generate social, environmental, and conservation initiatives that foster natural resource stewardship. Corazón Latino mobilizes the passion, love, unity, solidarity, and resources of individuals, communities, organizations, and government entities to advance the common good. Visit us at