Supreme Court Stifles EPA Authority 

June 30, 2022 

Press Statement 

Contact: Karina Martínez, 


Supreme Court Stifles EPA Authority 

Corazón Latino joins nationwide demand for increased and immediate climate action.

Felipe Benitez, Executive Director and Founder of Corazón Latino, issued the following statement: 

"Today's ruling stifles the Environmental Protection Agency's authority and will hinder President Biden and his successors from being able to set standards to regulate carbon emissions caused by existing power plants. We are shocked that this decision was made during our time's most urgent environmental crisis- and as our power plants emit some of the worst climate-destabilizing pollution in the world.

"Today's ruling also adds a little more chaos to the EPA; while the Supreme Court recognized the EPA's authority under the Clean Air Act to address climate pollution, it also stripped its authority to rely on clean energy solutions. The result is that most common sense, cost-effective measures for reducing pollution are now off the table. 

"Our families - especially those who live in black and brown communities experiencing the brunt of pollution - will be subject to the consequences of this decision, which include a variety of adverse health outcomes and instability. Additionally, as emissions fuel climate change, extreme weather conditions will make climate disasters a more significant challenge for us all. 

"This ruling presents a major obstacle to protecting the health of our families and our environment, but we will not be stopped from continuing to fight for climate action." 


Corazón Latino is a national non-profit organization that seeks to generate social, environmental, and conservation initiatives that foster natural resource stewardship. Corazón Latino mobilizes the passion, love, unity, solidarity, and resources of individuals, communities, organizations, and government entities to advance the common good. Visit us at