Statement from Corazón Latino on the proposed Build Back Better Act framework

(Washington, DC) “Corazon Latino has been vocal in its support for strategic investment in the Latino community through the protection of Madre Tierra and the creation of clean energy jobs. The proposed legislation provides the path forward that we need to launch an equitable economic recovery and ensure the environmental progress that will allow our families the best opportunities to thrive. We cannot delay the passing of this legislation; a better future is on the horizon for our nation and the Latino community with the Build Back Better Plan.” Felipe Benitez, Executive Director, Corazon Latino

(Washington, DC) “Corazón Latino apoya la inversión estratégica en la comunidad latina para proteger a nuestra Madre Tierra y crear empleos en energías limpias.

La legislación propuesta traza que camino necesitamos seguir para generar una recuperación económica que sea equitativa y que asegure el progreso ambiental que permita que nuestras familias tengan las mejores oportunidades para prosperar.

No podemos retrasar la aprobación de esta legislación. Con el Plan Build Back Better, vemos un horizonte con un futuro mejor para toda nuestra nación y para la comunidad latina ”. Felipe Benitez, Director Ejecutivo, Corazón Latino

Corazón Latino is a national non-profit organization that seeks to generate social, environmental, and conservation initiatives that foster natural resource stewardship. Corazón Latino mobilizes the passion, love, unity, solidarity, and resources of individuals, communities, organizations, and government entities to advance the common good. Visit us at
